March 31, 2011

March, 2011

All is going well. Work for me - love my clients, chose the right field, really understand why people get away from management. Too many people too far many Dilbert Comic Strips are ringing true with management in Arizona Behavioral Health. I'm envying George his re-careering...and he continues to enjoy teaching.
Maddie is loving Daddy home too. More time for Secret Agent Spies, playing with her super-hero collection. She's making strides with her fun to watch the learning process and be a part of it. Nothing is better than snuggling up nightly to journey into books that take me back to my childhood. I miss my Mom and wish she were here to share all of this with us...but daily am so thankful for the lessons she taught. I feel I'm a better mother because I learned from her.
We celebrated Dad's 80th birthday and St. Patricks Day together as Bel and Keith were in town from San Diego. I made Mom'd wonderful pineapple upside cake - a family favorite and we all had a fun family time.
Maddie continues to love school...but soon a change will be happening as in 8/11 she will start Kindergarten!! She also continues to love and be quite serious about Tae Kwon Do.

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