February 01, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday

I'm not a huge football fan - but this is pretty exciting and there is quite the buzz up and down the streets with people selling flags, shirts, etc. Red has been worn daily :) Let's see how they do. I have a small wager with my cousin.

Blogging-wise...I've been swamped with work...but will catch up here hopefull in the future. Maddie grasped the concept of putting letters to make words yesterday - CAT for cat, etc. She's pretty stoked. Her grasp of concepts is pretty amazing.

On a funny side note - EVERYTHING is family to her...Mommy this, Daddy that, etc. She told me yesterday she went poopy...a Mommy poopy, a Daddy poopy and a "little itty bitty baby poopy named Maddie". This she announced loudly in a rather crowded bathroom at restuarant. Ah well...I'll take family minded any day :)

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