August 22, 2008

Potty Training & Bribery

Ever since we returned from China Maddie will go when we sit her on the's just been a matter of her getting to the stage of remembering to go when wearing a diaper (and now pull up). We did the "naked potty training" which was easy and great. She's now 100% in underwear at home and 100% in pull ups at school and Papa's during which time she's pretty close to asking all the time to go to the bathroom. YEAH!! Now the big potty train Horton! YIKES!

As a reward she chose her Halloween outfit. Mind you it's still REALLY hot here but she insisted on wearing it for about 15 minutes inside yesterday. Barney is still a HUGE hit and the I Love You song is sung right before dinner now.

She's also just about outgrown bathing in the sink...although she still loves it and it's so much easier for her to play while I do the dishes :) Such a big girl. It's going by so quickly.


Anonymous said...

Love the Dora britches! Freedom from diapers...such a wonderful thing. We took the money we'd normally have spent the first month and went out to a really nice dinner :) Talk soon...

Stacie said...

Congrats Maddie- way to go girl. Z had her first day in big girl panties today- although hers are those awful carters training pants... we need to get some dora's too!

I can;t believe Maddie can still fit in the sink! She is such a tiny little peanut!!

Mark and Heather said...

Very nice blog. Maddie is adorable. Great photos! Mark and I are jealous of your pool.