May 18, 2007

Nanchang Days

We survived the first night!!
Where am I and who are these people?

More lines and paperwork. This is the move from leasing our
beautiful daughter to making her our own.

Other families in our group waiting to make it even more official.
I'm tired but THRILLED!!

She was so little that the clothes I broutht (18 m.) were HUGE on her...our little bit.

One of many fun family dinners. Such a nice group with whom to travel.
All of the kids are lucky! are their parents :)


Above is the Yoho Family with their adorable
daughter Miranda.

Off for a walk in a light drizzle at XiangHu Park.

We had started to notice a trend at this point with our Maddie. Every time we were changing her her diaper would be dry...and while it was off she would go. We assumed it was because of her wearing split pants. What are split pants - an easy and breezey fashion where the children don't wear diapers but go at will!

Seriously adorable face and kissable cheeks...
Where's the watermelon & Goldfish?
Starting to relax and smile...
Who's you Daddy?

Sites & Sounds of a busy Nanchang
Very dark and smoggy...
In back of our hotel - Jinfeng Hotel - a great a warm place to walk. All of the locals were very curious about Maddie. We were given a card to keep with us written in Chinese to explain who we were and who she was. We got the back and forth thumb...indicating "lucky baby" and were told that by a few who could speak English. We are the lucky ones.

Nice and curious people...many gave Maddie jade charms for luck.
A few Mahjong games were seen too.
I love Fu Dogs
Because she was held so much the walking skills weren't there...
but let me tell you the spirit sure was!
She wanted to walk up the stairs at Teng Wang Ge Temple. My legs are like Jello after Tian Tan, Great Wall and learning to carry a 19 pound child. I doesn't sound like a lot but when your not used to it...and when you haven't grown with takes some getting used to. Feels great I must say!

A sense of humor is emerging!
I'd love this in my backyard...seriously.

View from the Temple. Very pretty.
View of Nanchang from the Temple...old & new.

Dancers/singers put on a show for the audience. Very pretty girls and ornate inside the temple.

Veronica as always overseeing and making our time there special.

One of Maddie's safety items was her card she's clutched since getting her. If there is a chance someone touches, tries to move it or takes it away she gets very upset.

Taking a breather with my!

5/14/07 - Paperwork
5/15/07 - WalMart (yep...WalMart)
5/16/07 - XiangHu Park
5/18/07 - Meeting @ Civil Affairs Office to get Maddie's Passport & evening flight to Guangzhou

George & I were somewhat into predictable rituals as we were getting used to parenthood. He was a natural - I was so impressed with how calm and matter of fact along with loving he was with changing, bathing, soothing, coaxing. I just love him bunches for all of this.

I just didn't know what the heck I was doing...but somewhat muddled through it. Hopefully no irreprable damage. We'll check in with her therapists down the road :)

So...we ate breakfast every morning in our hotel. Fair...but the watermelon was really good. Maddie liked the congee, steamed eggs, watermelon and sausage. She had a great appetite right out of the gates.

The first day was getting our sea legs. There was a play room of sorts on our floor so we spent some time in there with our group. The kids were so cute. All adjusting at different rates. Maddie couldn't walk very well from being held so much...I didn't mind that at all. I was surprised at how tough it was getting used to holding a 19 pound child...not that I didn't love it but for me it was a bit of a work out :) That night we met with Mr. Zhou - the orphanage director. We learned Maddie was placed with her foster family at about 2 months and they raised her up until this past December (when she turned 1) and she was placed back in the orphanage. How scary for our peanut...and so many changes. Her foster parents were older - in their mid - 50's. The foster father worked i a factory and the foster mother worked on the farm and raised Maddie. It was confirmed how much she was held. We asked for earlier pictures and were able to get a 4 month old picture that was advertised to see if her parents would step forward.

Next day WalMart. Three stories...some familiar and some not. Fortunately eveyone was warm and curious. Many well wishes - more charms - lots of quesitons and people reading Maddie's "tags" that explained who we all were. We got many pats too. In WalMart the deals were amazing. This was the 1st diaper buying it right thanks to Veronica. Some toys, munchies...neat experience. In the "deli section" we noticed a bucket of water beatles. Tempting :)

The next day was a pretty outting to XiangHu Park. Rainy but refreshing to get out. So fun to see everyone with the kids and all of the love. In my field I see a lot of anger...not this trip at all. Made me feel really good and hopeful.

Next day Teng Wang Temple - very pretty. I was just happy to see more steps. I'd missed them since Buddha and Great Wall. And with Maddie wanting to walk up them they were extra special. Dear Lord! Great and much needed work-out. There was a troup that did some singing and dancing for us in ornate costumes. Just fun.
We were glad to leave onward to Guangzhou...but will remember the sites and sounds of our daughter's homeland in hopes to return with her one day if she would like.

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