But...catching up on so much. So...here some quick January, 2011 updates. Let's see:
* It's been one year since George's quadruple bypass. He's doing GREAT! He is officially teaching college to online students and LOVING it. He's thrilled to be out of the crazy mental health field in Arizona. It EATS you alive and we can both understand why so many leave the field entirely. So - he's house Dad and loving it. I spent my vacation time helping with social security and medicare. Awful trying to figure it all out...but we did it.
*I'm still at my job - but not happily. Politics are rampant, we have young supervisors with control issues and those that I think may need medication badly. But - for some reason I really don't care. I go home to happiness and relaxation. George and I have so much fun with Maddie, it keeps things in perspective.
*George's sister and brother-in-law stayed with us - moving from Florida to California. Maddie's Aunt Sue always sends the most incredible pop-up books I've ever seen. Maddie has a wonderful collection because of her - and reading is so fun with these imaginative books.
*Maddie is incredible. Her long little legs make us smile...but also sadden us with how very quickly she is growing. She is so sweet...a very kind-hearted little one. She is still loving Tae Kwon Do and doing very well with it. Her vocabulary stuns us.
*I'm just excited about 2011. I sense change and good things.